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Odawara Castle
Shop/Spot nameOdawara Castle -->
Address6-1 Jonai, Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Business hours9:00 to 17:00 (admission is until 16:30) [Closed] 2nd Wednesday of December * December 31st to 1st January (2nd Wednesday of December) to organize the museum
ParkingNone (Please use the nearby pay parking lot)
Average usage[Admission fee] (Odawara Castle single ticket) General ¥ 500, Elementary and junior high school students ¥ 200, (Ticket common to both buildings with Tokiwa Kimon) General ¥ 600, Elementary and junior high school students ¥ 220, (Tokiwa Kimon and Odawara Castle History Museum) Ticket for all 3 buildings) General ¥ 70, Elementary / Junior high school students ¥ 250 * Free of charge (including one attendant) if you bring and present your disability certificate / nursing certificate. * Bringing and presenting the "Fukuju Card" issued by Odawara City will be free of charge (including one attendant).