Shop for special confections for special people!
Shops serving delicious bread and coffee!
Five restaurants serving the most delicious gyoza pot stickers.
Japanese pubs where white-collar workers can taste the best of the Noge area.
Buffet restaurants to enjoy the food you like best, and all you can eat!
Teppan iron griddle cooking shared by all!
Ramen shops, synonymous with Japanese cuisine.
Pubs to experience Japan's izakaya culture.
Bookstores and libraries!
Information on hotels in Minato Mirai 21
Popular spots to experience Japan's Culture and History
Three popular attractions to enjoy transportation simulations.
Useful information and guide to attractions for Minato Mirai 21
Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Shizuoka area
Enjoy six ¥100 bargains.
Perfect for Minatomirai sightseeing! Five choices for buses, bicycles, and boats.
Supermarkets for high-quality Japanese groceries.
Ask for directions at information booths.
Locations of five ATMs and money exchange booths!
Five facilities geared for child-rearing mothers!
Stores for cute and useful baby goods.
Sports shops for those who love the outdoors.
Recommended jogging routes.
A site where craftsmanship such as traditional crafts shines