Five restaurants if you miss hamburgers.
Soul foods in Japan we can recommend you with a confidence.
Sweets shops with photogenic, Instagrammable confections.
Recommended Chinese restaurants.
Cafes and bakeries that open early in the morning.
You are relieved with allergy-free and gluten-free food.
Shops for slightly bitter matcha confections.
Cafes that open at 8:00 a.m. for an enjoyable breakfast.
Three popular attractions to enjoy transportation simulations.
Useful information and guide to attractions for Minato Mirai 21
Ticket sellers for special deals on tickets!
Yokohama city Family Friendly tour
Parks in great locations for taking a walk.
Restaurants having a Japanese-style room to experience Japan and relax.
Amusement spots that the entire family can enjoy.
Bookstores and libraries!
Recommended jogging routes.
Five facilities geared for child-rearing mothers!
Ask for directions at information booths.
Medical clinics that speak English.
Sports shops for those who love the outdoors.
Very popular ¥100 and ¥300 gift stores.
A site where craftsmanship such as traditional crafts shines
Stores for cute and useful baby goods.