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Suiho Honten
Shop/Spot nameSuiho Honten -->
Address189 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
Business hoursAM11: 00 ~ PM21: 00 Closed on Mondays (If Monday is a national holiday, the next day will be closed)
Credit cardPossible (VISA, MASTER, Diners, JCB, AMEX)
SmokingSeparate smoke
Charge5% fee will be charged for credit card payment
Average usage(Night) 3,000-4,000 yen (Lunch) -1,000 yen
Private room有
Total number of seats66 seats
Drinkアルコール有 ノンアルコール有
Course mealYes (1,500-2,000 yen)
Charter all/Full bookingYes (20 to 50 people possible, 50 people or more possible)