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Kansuiro Ryokan
Shop/Spot nameKansuiro Ryokan -->
Address88 Tonosawa, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa
Parking30 units (free)
Check in / out time[Check-in] 15:00 [Check-out] 10:00 Open all year round
FacilityTable tennis (paid), bar (paid), banquet hall (paid), game corner (paid), non-smoking room, room service, beauty treatment salon (paid / arranged), massage (paid / arranged), shogi (paid), go (Paid), Mahjong (Paid), Golf (Paid / Arranged), Fishing (Free), Companion, Geisha (Paid / Arranged), etc.
AmenityAll rooms are air-conditioned, TV, satellite broadcasting, refrigerator, warm water washing toilet (washlet), washbasin * Only washlet and washbasin are available except for Room 31.