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tenjishitsu: Tür aus Holz Yamamoto Town
Shop/Spot nametenjishitsu: Tür aus Holz Yamamoto Town -->
Address1-7 Yamamoto-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
Business hours[Business days] (Tuesday) 20: 30-23: 00 / (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday) 16: 00-23: 00 [Regular holidays] Sundays and Mondays * Since there are irregular holidays, business hours are available on our website and SNS. Please confirm.
ParkingPlease use the nearby coin parking.
SmokingSmoking is prohibited in the store only in the square space
Total number of seats1F: Counter and table seats / 2F: 6 seats
Pet1F stone pavement and square striking only
Hard Rock Cafe Yokohama
Yokohama Museum of Art