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Roast beef star
Shop/Spot nameRoast beef star
Address2-2-1 Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
Business hours[Total] 10: 30-20: 30 (1st floor until 21:00)
[Lunch] 10: 30 ~
[Supper] 17: 00 ~ -
Credit card可(VISA、MASTER、JCB、AMEX、Diners Club、Unionpay(銀聯))
ParkingYes (Yokohama World Porters Parking Lot)
SmokingYes (Smoking room)
Average usage[Lunch / Supper] ¥ 1,000- ¥ 1,500
Total number of seats260 seats
Seat typeFood court, indoor sofa seats, outlets near pillars
TakeoutYes (roast beef bowl)
Children's Menu無
Charter all/Full booking不可