This service can not be dispatched unless it is in Yokohama city. If you are in Yokohama city, please click "Call a taxi".
Shop/Spot nameYukari
Address2-19-12 Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Sky Building 11F
Business hours11: 00-23: 00 (22:00 LO)
Credit cardYes (VISA, MASTER, JCB, AMEX, Diners, UnionPay)
ParkingYes (Sky Building Parking Lot / Paid) * One <60-minute free service ticket> will be given to those who spend 3,000 yen or more at one Yokohama Sky store. * You can use as many <60-minute free service tickets> as you like per use of the parking lot.
SmokingNo smoking
ReserveYes (lunch / dinner)
Average usage[Lunch] 900 yen ~ [Dinner] Average budget: 2,000 yen
Total number of seats68 seats
TakeoutYes (only okonomiyaki)
Children's Menu無
DrinkBeer, wine, sake, shochu, cocktails, highball, non-alcoholic beer
Charter all/Full booking不可