A company-run showroom should not be forgotten as a facility that the whole family can enjoy without spending money. For example, the global headquarters gallery of Nissan, an automobile manufacturer headquartered in Yokohama, is nostalgic. -
Nippon Maru Memorial Park spreads out at the foot of the Landmark Tower. At the Yokohama Port Museum in that corner, you can learn about the history and role of Yokohama Port from various angles, with the main theme of "Yokohama Port in History and Living." -
"Yokohama Nigiwai-za" opened as a museum specializing in popular performing arts such as rakugo, comics, and street performances. I think it's a space for adults, but in fact there are many points that can be enjoyed even with children. First of all, at the yose, the rakugo story -
見て! 触って! 世界を感じてみよう!
Entering from the 2nd floor through the Circle Walk, you will find a bright glass-enclosed hall. I had the impression that the name "Japan International Cooperation Agency" had a high threshold, but in reality, it is a device that even children can enjoy.